Sunday, April 19, 2009

Start of Term 2

Welcome to the start of Term 2.

The first week back will be busy.
Firstly, as part of our campaign to reduce waste we have representatives from Logan City Council coming to school to present several activities to each of our classes. The first activity is The Smart Shopper lesson , which aims to show students how much waste can be reduced by using plastic containers which can be repeatedly reused instead of wrapping lunches in plastic or foil.
Secondly, they will show our upper school the advantage of using a worm farm to reduce perishable items. They will provide and set up several of these farms for school use.

The other presentations occurring this week involve introducing the 7 Natural Physicians to the school. This is a new holistic health care program which will be implemented throughout the school. The founders of the program Trish and Rob Thomas will be at school on Thursday to perform a puppet show to the children. You are most welcome to join us.