Thursday, May 19, 2011

School Gardens

We were fortunate to be given a large number of bromeliads which the boys from the Gardening Club have planted in front of our new hall. They volunteer three lunch times a week to look after our gardens. They would appreciate if students and parents refrained from walking through the garden beds.

Friday, May 6, 2011

At Last the Hall is Ours!

On Wednesday afternoon the multi-purpose building and amenities block was handed over to the school, just in time to be used for the Mother's Day Stall.
From next week the Aus Dance lessons will be held in this new building as well as our usual Monday Assemblies.

The carpark will reopen on Monday for use by parents, which means that students will wait under the mango trees in the afternoon. No playing on the Adventure Playground or running on grassed areas will be allowed. A staff member will be on duty.