Sunday, February 6, 2011

Save Our Sea Australia - Ian Thomson

Last Wednesday Yrs 2 to 7 listened to an audio-visual presentation from Ian Thomson or Thomo about the hazards of plastic bags to wildlife.

He left our students with a clear message about the need to reduce our use of plastic bags by :

  1. saying no to using plastic bags at the checkouts of shops

  2. using fabric bags and leaving them in our cars

  3. taking used plastic bags back to supermarkets for recycling.

Later in the year , he will skipper the boat "Brindabella" and will be trying to break the record for circum-navigating Australia. He has promised to keep in contact with us during this trip via a computer.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Week 2- Swimming Carnival

A reminder that the swimming carnival will be held this coming Thursday commencing at 9am. Students will be walked to the pool in class groups with their teacher.
They may wear a coloured t-shirt matching their house colour, but no colouring is to be sprayed on their hair . A rashie needs to be worn over their togs.
All students need to bring lunch and snack, a filled water bottle, hat and sunscreen.
Any parents who come along to watch and are their at the end around 2pm may take their child home after notifying their class teacher. All other children will be walked back to school with their teacher.