Friday, November 18, 2011

Cops and Kilts

The whole school enjoyed being entertained by the Queensland Police Pipes and Drums Band. They played a variety of music and included songs that the children could join in with.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Yr 2 Excursion

The Year 2's enjoyed a fun and exciting day at the Science Centre and Museum last Friday.

This week Yr 7 are off to camp at Lake Ainsworth Recreation Centre. We hope they have a very enjoyable time

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Book week 2011

This week we celebrate Bookweek. Set up in the hall is a fanastic display of books which are available for purchase. Each class will looking at the display and writing up a wish list . Parents are invited to also browse through this display. In the libray, classes have set up displays of work based on the theme of bookweek.

Today saw all of our students turn up to school dressed as their favourite book character.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

School Gardens

We were fortunate to be given a large number of bromeliads which the boys from the Gardening Club have planted in front of our new hall. They volunteer three lunch times a week to look after our gardens. They would appreciate if students and parents refrained from walking through the garden beds.

Friday, May 6, 2011

At Last the Hall is Ours!

On Wednesday afternoon the multi-purpose building and amenities block was handed over to the school, just in time to be used for the Mother's Day Stall.
From next week the Aus Dance lessons will be held in this new building as well as our usual Monday Assemblies.

The carpark will reopen on Monday for use by parents, which means that students will wait under the mango trees in the afternoon. No playing on the Adventure Playground or running on grassed areas will be allowed. A staff member will be on duty.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Commonwealth Bank donation

Thanks to all of our students who utilise school banking on Friday's , the Commonwealth Bank has donated $300 to the school. Tracey Goode presented the school with the cheque at assembly on Monday.

We would like to thank the Commonwealth Bank for this generous donation.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Free Dress - 5th April

Our principal Mr David Boulton is participating in a bike ride from Sydney to Surfers Paradise to raise funds for Fr Riley's " Youth Off the Streets" program.
On the 5 April, we are holding a free dress day at school in order to sponsor him on this ride. As black, white and red are his favourite colours children are encouraged to wear bike riding clothes in these colours if possible. Suitable clothing would include bike pants/ shorts and T-shirt. Helmets are optional. Closed in shoes and hat are compulsory. A gold coin donation is appreciated.
Also on the day the student council will be running a best decorated helmet competition. A gift voucher for our winners will be first prize. One for Prep to Yr 2 and then Yr 3 to Yr 7. It will be a $1 to enter.
Iceblocks at 50cents each will be on sale at lunch.
Police volunteers will be coming to school at 11.30 to engrave bikes, scooters, iPods, etc. There is no charge for this service. Any items brought to school must be either handed to teachers in the morning or if a bike placed at the back of the room. They are not to be ridden on the school grounds unless permission from a supervising teacher is given.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Save Our Sea Australia - Ian Thomson

Last Wednesday Yrs 2 to 7 listened to an audio-visual presentation from Ian Thomson or Thomo about the hazards of plastic bags to wildlife.

He left our students with a clear message about the need to reduce our use of plastic bags by :

  1. saying no to using plastic bags at the checkouts of shops

  2. using fabric bags and leaving them in our cars

  3. taking used plastic bags back to supermarkets for recycling.

Later in the year , he will skipper the boat "Brindabella" and will be trying to break the record for circum-navigating Australia. He has promised to keep in contact with us during this trip via a computer.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Week 2- Swimming Carnival

A reminder that the swimming carnival will be held this coming Thursday commencing at 9am. Students will be walked to the pool in class groups with their teacher.
They may wear a coloured t-shirt matching their house colour, but no colouring is to be sprayed on their hair . A rashie needs to be worn over their togs.
All students need to bring lunch and snack, a filled water bottle, hat and sunscreen.
Any parents who come along to watch and are their at the end around 2pm may take their child home after notifying their class teacher. All other children will be walked back to school with their teacher.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back to School in 2011

Welcome back for 2011 !
The parade area was a buzz this morning as parents helped their children to new classrooms.
Everyone seems to have settled in nicely as can be seen from these photos.
Just a reminder that this year our school is a nut and egg very aware school. This means that no egg sandwiches, nutella or peanut paste sandwiches can be eaten at school, nor can biscuits or cakes that have tree nuts contained in them.