Friday, February 26, 2010

Cybersafety Lessons

Students from Grade 2 upwards have been receiving cycbersafety lessons during their ICLT lessons in the library. At school we use the material found on the Cyberquoll site(middle and upper) and Hectors World (lower). These are both great sites where safety hints are given through engaging games. Links to these sites can be found in USEFUL LINKS.

Topics have included safe use of emails, chatting to people online, what personal information not to include.

The Internet can provide great, safe sites where children can play games, research topics and chat to people their own age but as parents you need to know they are safe. Please ensure that you check the sites before you allow them on.

Over the next few weeks I will include some of the sites that we use at school, where children can have fun,learn (even if they don't realise it)and be safe.

Trial for Australian Curiculum

As you know St. Joseph's if starting a trial for the new curriculum which will be introduced into all Australian schools next year.
Below is some additional information.

The consultation on the draft K-10 Australian Curriculum will enable anyone to view and respond to the draft materials.
The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and states and territories will also be conducting consultation forums and workshops to gather targeted feedback from stakeholder groups.
ACARA sought advice from the states and territories on schools that might be able to provide more focused feedback on the draft curriculum. Our school is among approximately 150 schools selected to participate.
We have accepted the challenge of using some of the draft materials to do one or more of the following:
• write teaching outlines to make sure the draft curriculum is manageable and can be taught at their school
• teach a part of the draft curriculum where appropriate in the context of their already planned teaching programs.
In the trial activities, some teachers will apply parts of the draft curriculum, over a relatively short period (approximately 12 weeks) in classrooms, using it as a guide to their teaching. These teachers will supply any teaching resources they generate to ACARA at the end of the in-school trial activities, and they will also supply to ACARA any in-class work generated by students (subject to approvals from students and parents).
This material, and other feedback from the teachers (including completing an online survey, and other written reports from the teachers) will become part of the material that ACARA uses to refine the draft curriculum before publication of the final Australian Curriculum (K – 10, English, history, mathematics, science) later in 2010.
These so called “trial activities” do not constitute a full-scale trial or pilot of the curriculum in which the results, for students, teachers, and others, is subject to systematic review by ACARA and other authorities. A larger scale pilot like that could be considered by states and territories for 2011.
This is an excellent opportunity for our school to contribute to a major initiative, namely the development and finalisation of an Australian Curriculum that will be taught in all schools in Australia.
If you would like further information on the draft Australian Curriculum, including the opportunity to express your view, please visit

Monday, February 15, 2010

Spinal Injuries Awareness Program

Today, two guest speakers Wayne and Michael,from SEAT spoke to the entire school about preventing spinal injuries by following simple guidelines. For example, wearing of bike helmets, remembering to wear seat belts when travelling in cars and looking for hidden objects if diving into creeks or other shallow water holes.
They also spoke of the difficulties they experience each day being confined to a wheelchair. Just getting ready to go out can take at least an hour and a half.
We thank them for the insight into their experiences.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Class Blogs

This year homework grids will be placed on each class blog along with any important news or date claimers relevant to that class. From Years 2 upwards, each student will have their own blog where their completed work( if in a compatible format ) will be uploaded.

Please remember that the posts they write in class are the same as a first draft, there will be spelling and punctuation mistakes that they overlook especially considering they are still learning to type, which is a skill in itself.

Your child would love you to leave positive comments about their posts in the comment box found underneath each post.